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Summer MTB weekend in South Wales

Andy is organising a long weekend away to ride the Taff Trail from Cardiff to Brecon over the weekend of June 15th - 17th 2018.

The Route

The Taff Trail is a 55 mile (88 km) cycle and walking route starting in the south in Cardiff Bay and travelling north to Brecon Theatre. The trail passes through all the towns, villages and localities listed above. It is made up of old railway paths, forest paths and canals and follows National Cycle Route 8. You can find a great map of the route on the Sustrans website.

The idea would be to stay overnight in a Premier Inn in Cardiff on Thursday 14th June so we can start the Taff Trail on the Friday morning. The Premier Inn has a car park and I would be hopeful that we can leave the vehicles there. We could also do some car sharing to get to Cardiff.

There would be a two night stay in Brecon at the Wellington Hotel; I have provisionally booked some rooms here.

A Saturday ride could be organised in the Brecon Beacons with a return ride on the Sunday back to Cardiff (or a train if you don't want to ride back). We could stay Sunday at the Premier Inn again and then drive back on the Monday.

If anyone has any other suggestions then please forward them to me or, if you received this by email, to the email group. I would just like to know how much interest there would be for this weekend.



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2 comentarios

Matt Schutz
13 abr 2018

That looks wet to me.

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Andy Pearce
Andy Pearce
04 feb 2018

I spent the weekend in Cardiff and had a look at the Premier Inn in Cardiff that we will hopefully stay at for the ride on the Taff Trail. I had a chat with one of the staff about leaving the vehicles parked over the weekend and he said that would be no problem.

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